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4ME4YOU FEATURES “THE ROYAL DANISH ACADEMY” DURING “COPENHAGEN FASHION WEEK SS23”. gallery Designers: THE ROYAL DANISH ACADEMY Designers: THE ROYAL DANISH ACADEMY The Class of 2021 have throughout their education acquired unique design identities that merge traditional fashion practices with highly artistic and academic skillsets. The graduate projects take on a wide range of both sustainable and sociopolitical challenges in

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Designer: RÆBURN

4ME4YOU FEATURES “RÆBURN” DURING “COPENHAGEN FASHION WEEK SS23”. gallery Designer: RÆBURN 4ME4YOU FEATURES “RÆBURN” DURING “COPENHAGEN FASHION WEEK SS23”. Designer: RÆBURN Ræburn is a collaborative, creative fashion studio where daily design meets responsible production.  This innovative approach, with an unusual balance of high concept, accessibility and wearability, is applied to menswear, womenswear, luggage and accessories. Christopher Raeburn, whose never-ending ‘archaeological’

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4ME4YOU FEATURES “HENRIK VIBSKOV” DURING “COPENHAGEN FASHION WEEK SS23”. gallery Designer: HENRIK VIBSKOV 4ME4YOU FEATURES “HENRIK VIBSKOV” DURING “COPENHAGEN FASHION WEEK SS23”. Designer: HENRIK VIBSKOV Henrik Vibskov is most commonly associated not only with a fashion label, but a multitude of twisted yet tantalising universes created in relation to each collection. He is exploring themes around creativity without limits, always

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Designer: GESTUZ

4ME4YOU FEATURES “GESTUZ” DURING “COPENHAGEN FASHION WEEK SS23”. gallery Designer: GESTUZ 4ME4YOU FEATURES “GESTUZ” DURING “COPENHAGEN FASHION WEEK SS23”. Designer: GESTUZ Gestuz is a brand that has the modern woman in mind. Always designing go-to pieces that unabashedly embrace a woman’s everyday life, imparting the notion that there is no one way to be a woman or dress like one: it’s

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Designer: A. ROEGE HOVE

4ME4YOU FEATURES “A. ROEGE HOVE” DURING “COPENHAGEN FASHION WEEK SS23” gallery Designer: A. ROEGE HOVE 4ME4YOU FEATURES “A. ROEGE HOVE” DURING “COPENHAGEN FASHION WEEK SS23”. Designer: A. ROEGE HOVE At A. ROEGE HOVE aim is to challenge traditions with a modern and artistic approach to original craftsmanship. T Defined by an experimenting and intuitive way of working with traditional knitwear

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Designer: GANNI

4ME4YOU FEATURES “GANNI” DURING “COPENHAGEN FASHION WEEK SS23”. gallery Designer: GANNI 4ME4YOU FEATURES “GANNI” DURING “COPENHAGEN FASHION WEEK SS23”. Designer: GANNI The Ganni mission is simple: We fill a gap in the advanced contemporary market for effort- less, easy-to-wear pieces that women instinctively reach for, day in, day out. Copenhagen is home and where our heart is. As Danes they

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ARTIST: Stephen Sheffield

ARTIST: Stephen Sheffield ABOUT ME 4me4you features..introduces..Stephen Sheffield – Cut And Paste: A Daily Cycle Of Collage – MY PROCESS For the series titled Cut And Paste, Stephen Sheffield culled pieces from a much larger body of work he began making on January 1, 2017, that includes over 800 finished pieces. The work selected was made since January 2019. He

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ARTIST: Somnambulistika

ARTIST: Somnambulistika ABOUT ME 4me4you features..introduces.. Milena aka “Somnambulistika” – Digital collage Artist – MY PROCESS Now I spend most of my time in search of old images that I take apart, alter, rearrange, and put into new, surreal contexts. I try to tell stories of people I’ve never met. There’s also probably a tiny piece of my own story

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ARTIST: Dean Pirie

ARTIST: Dean Pirie ABOUT ME 4me4you features..introduces..Dean Pirie: Imaginer MY PROCESS – Film Buff, Horror Fanatic, Lover of the Macabre, Hellraiser, Fanboy – We discovered Dean Pirie pictures on INSTAGRAM and invited him to feature within this month’s edition – “pirie_imaginer”. – Film Buff, Horror Fanatic, Lover of the Macabre, Hellraiser, Fanboy – ARTIST: Dean Pirie

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