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Artist: electric_lady_ai

Artist: electric_lady_ai

4Me4You Features “Green Eyes”. ABOUT ME 4me4you features digital creator electric_lady_ai, – “Green Eyes”. MY PROCESS Introducing Arancha, also known as “electric_lady_ai”, a digital creator from Gijón, Spain, with a passion for blending traditional artistry with cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence.  Drawing inspiration from the surreal and abstract fusion of nature and women, her work explores dreamlike worlds where texture,

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Artist: AiLoveEra 

Artist: AiLoveEra 

4Me4You Features “where your soul can find rest”.. ABOUT ME “4Me4You presents “AiLoveEra”,  a digital creator based in Malayasia”. MY PROCESS This month, 4me4you is excited to spotlight the digital creator , whose stunning artwork first captured our attention on Facebook.  We were drawn to AiLoveEra’s unique style and innovative design approach, and we’re proud to feature this exceptional artist

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Artist: Lee Gihun 

Artist: Lee Gihun

4me4you features ‘Masquerade’. ABOUT ME 4me4you recently visited Stolen Space Gallery, where the striking works of artist Lee Gihun were on display in his solo exhibition Masquerade. MY PROCESS Lee Gihun creates art that invites viewers to look past the surface of his vivid, imaginative works and explore deeper layers of meaning. His pieces encourage reflection on the delicate balance

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4Me4You Features “MY MISSION”. ABOUT ME “4Me4You presents LAURA BUECHNER AKA “PROMPTLAB LAURA BUECHNER”,  a creative director and AI designer based in southern Germany.” MY PROCESS Laura Buechner, also known as “PromptLab Laura Buechner,” holds a Master’s degree in Fashion Design with Distinction from Kingston University in London Her work has been showcased twice at London Fashion Week and featured

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Artist: Clint Enns

Artist: Clint Enns

4Me4You Features “Enlightened”. ABOUT ME “4Me4You presents Clint Enns an artist, curator, and writer based in Montréal.” MY PROCESS Clint Enns aka “@clintenns” is a Montreal-based writer and visual artist whose innovative exploration of AI technology creates unsettling, otherworldly imagery. His work, often described as a fusion of hallucination and distorted memories, challenges the viewer’s perception of reality. By embracing the

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Artist: Ur Kasin

Artist: Ur Kasin

4me4you Features “All Is Blurred”. ABOUT ME Recently, 4me4you visited the JD Malat Gallery, where contemporary Romanian artist Ur Kasin’s exhibition, All Is Blurred, was on display. MY PROCESS The exhibition featured six monumental compositions that explore the psychological journey of a character Kasin has created, navigating the challenges of a complex and often unforgiving world. Through these works, Kasin

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