ARTIST: CRANIO - 4me4you

4Me4You Features - “¥€$”.


4me4you visits STOLEN Space Gallery which featured the artist CRANIO - “¥€$”.


Cranio is a self taught artist, who learned his craft from the streets of Sao Paolo.

Cranio’s work is a mix of street art and fine art, where he depicts his own life, everything he sees, hears, or lives through. He takes pleasure in critiquing what he defines as ‘wrong’ or ‘un-just’ through his art, using his illustrious character of a native indigenous person of Brazil to portray his message.

His blue painted character was developed from the intention of creating a character that is directly related to the image of Brazil, out of a need for representation of the indigenous peoples who have populated his native country.

Using this character, Cranio aims to prompt thoughts of more contemporary issues such as consumerism, corruption, and the environment, generating a fusion between aesthetic fruition and critical reflection.

Having created a very particular style that can be read both as festive tributes and pertinent denunciations, his works are exhibited around the world and have also been shown in several exhibitions in Brazil.

His solo exhibition ‘¥€$’, Cranio continues to touch on issues that are important to him, as well as the World, using his character to guide viewers through the journey.

