ARTIST: “TOMAAS”. - 4me4you

4me4you features “So many unexpected moments“.


4me4you features the Visual Artist/Photographer “TOMAAS”.


Taking part in the post-photography movement, TOMAAS is known for creating surreal and emotionally compelling artworks often with a painterly quality that are dramatic, ethereal, frequently haunting and always vibrant in their color choices. TOMAAS’ artworks stands apart from the conventional photographic presentations of emotion and beauty by infusing the qualities of fine art painting while distorting and challenging society’s traditional notions of beauty.

He produces images that not only stand on their own as story-filled works of beauty, but also as alternative perspectives of life in our contemporary society. An alchemist behind the lens, TOMAAS transforms ordinary objects into objects d’art that are timeless and artistically inspiring. Ranging from bursts of acid-bright colors that exude a palpable eroticism to images of otherworldly innocence and mystery turning his subjects into living sculptures of experimental beauty.

