SUBMISSIONS Archives - Page 18 of 19 - 4me4you

ARTIST: Yann Mallard

ARTIST: Yann Mallard 01 02 03 04 06 07 ABOUT ME 4me4you features the artist Yann Mallard – “Fasten your Seatbelts”. MY PROCESS Yannosse Mallard is a multi-talented artist with many years of experience in the creative world, who has worked on projects such as Pirates of the Caribbean and The Ring. In the early 2000s he was one of

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ARTIST: Miriam Vlaming

ARTIST: Miriam Vlaming 01 02 03 04 06 07 ABOUT ME 4me4you features the artist Miriam Vlaming – “transformation”. MY PROCESS Miriam Vlaming always keeps the whole picture in mind, her images constantly evoke landscape, enlivened with hints at nature and human figures in scenarios that prove highly fragile, but right to the point of dissolution and abstraction. The images and

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ARTIST: Sun-Kyo Park

ARTIST: Sun-Kyo Park 01 02 03 04 Hiding Back 05 06 ABOUT ME 4me4you features contemporary painter Sun-Kyo Park  – ’huddle around the park.’ MY PROCESS Finding inspiration from his childhood memories of gathering, praying, and connecting with family and relatives in the neighbourhood, the word “huddle” reminds Park of the human, basic survival need for warmth in today’s society,

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ARTIST: Pankov Roman

ARTIST: Pankov Roman 01 02 03 04 05 06 ABOUT ME 4me4you features the artist Pankov Roman – ’EN-sight.’ MY PROCESS Roman’s favourite technique is a dry brush and oil, it is in them that I feel my strength and think I can prove myself. ..I often mix different mediums, such as charcoal, oil, graphite, and textured rough expressive brushstrokes.

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ARTIST: Kelly Sullivan

ARTIST: Kelly Sullivan 01 02 03 04 05 06 ABOUT ME 4me4you features collage artist Kelly Sullivan  – ‘really nice to meet you.’ MY PROCESS Kelly is a collage artist who uses vintage popular culture image sources to create complex, layered artworks which have the female form at their heart. The initial presentation of an immediate, seductive, tactile and eye-catching

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ARTIST: Paola Medici

4me4you features -“blossoming thoughts″. ABOUT ME 4me4you features the artist Paola Medici – “I am not a portrait″. MY PROCESS What does it mean to stop judging a book by its cover? It means starting to gather the details, it means starting to dig a little deeper into the surface of life, it means to trying to figure out the

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ARTIST: Nina Auberšek

4me4you features -“blossoming thoughts″. ABOUT ME 4me4you features Illustrator & Graphic designer Nina Auberšek – “blossoming thoughts″. MY PROCESS Having worked on several commercial, editorial, and social projects; vectors are her area of expertise. Sometimes, the best way to share someone’s story is to have them tell it themselves Some fun facts about me: • I love everything about Japan

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ARTIST: Lewinsky 25

4me4you features -“ON THE COUNT OFF 3.″ ABOUT ME 4me4you features the artist Lewinsky 25 – “ON THE COUNT OFF 3.″’ MY PROCESS We discovered Lewinsky (aka Lewinsky 25) pictures on INSTAGRAM and delving deeper, we invited Lewinsky 25 to feature within this month’s edition. Instagram ARTIST: Lewinsky 25

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ARTIST: Art From Wires

4me4you features “Art From Wires”. ABOUT ME 4me4you features..introduces.. Amaro R.S aka Art From Wires MY PROCESS We discovered Amaro R.S pictures on INSTAGRAM and invited him to feature within this month’s edition – “AI generated Art”.  “Art From Wires”. ARTIST: Amaro R.S aka Art From Wires

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ARTIST: Stephen Sheffield

ARTIST: Stephen Sheffield ABOUT ME 4me4you features..introduces..Stephen Sheffield – Cut And Paste: A Daily Cycle Of Collage – MY PROCESS For the series titled Cut And Paste, Stephen Sheffield culled pieces from a much larger body of work he began making on January 1, 2017, that includes over 800 finished pieces. The work selected was made since January 2019. He

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