Artist: opifex_rex - 4me4you

4me4you features "Singularity Series”.


4me4you features digital creator: opifex_rex - "Singularity Series”.


4me4you showcases the digital creator Rafael Hernandez Guzman, known in the art world as opifex_rex. Based in Cancun, Mexico, Rafael is deeply invested in exploring the creative potential that arises from the fusion of AI tools with traditional digital software like Affinity Photo.

  • His work focuses on the fascinating intersection of technology and humanity, examining how this integration transforms and redefines our world.  Rafael’s artistic journey is fuelled by a profound curiosity to explore and depict the evolving relationship between humans and technology.

Artist: opifex_rex
Artist: opifex_rex
  • By combining the cutting-edge capabilities of AI with the versatility of digital tools, he creates thought-provoking artworks that challenge our perceptions of this dynamic.  His art envisions a future where technology and humanity are seamlessly intertwined, emphasising the significant impact this connection has on our lives.

  • Under the alias opifex_rex, Rafael Hernandez Guzman continues to push the boundaries of digital art, offering a unique perspective on what is possible when traditional methods intersect with modern innovation. His work stands as a testament to the power of creativity in navigating and interpreting the rapidly evolving landscape of our technological age.

Artist: opifex_rex
Artist: opifex_rex

Artist: opifex_rex
