Artist: Malcolm Liepke - 4me4you

4me4you Features - “THE TWILIGHT SALON”.


4me4you had the delightful opportunity to visit Pontone Gallery, where the spotlight was on the renowned artist Malcolm Liepke and his exhibition titled "THE TWILIGHT SALON".


Malcolm Liepke is a painter of a particular world, a 'demi-monde', inhabited by mostly young and attractive subjects, who project an air of self-absorption and watchfulness.


Artist: Malcolm Liepke
  • In his ongoing exploration of the human form, both clothed and unclothed, alone or in intimate groups, Malcolm Liepke delves deeper into capturing the essence of his subjects.

Artist: Malcolm Liepke
  • Liepke’s artistic technique is characterised by its loose and flowing nature. He applies paint with brisk strokes and clusters of gestural marks, effortlessly delineating the contours of flesh and fabric alike.

  • With a masterful command of sumptuous oil paint, Liepke’s primary focus lies in conveying the personality of those he portrays, achieved through a skilful and alluring manipulation of his medium.

Artist: Malcolm Liepke
Artist: Malcolm Liepke
Artist: Malcolm Liepke
  • While his application may seem economical, it is always imbued with subtlety, delicately capturing the nuances and essential qualities of various surfaces, particularly the texture of skin. Through his work, Liepke seems to imbue the paint itself with the very essence of his subjects, creating an illusion where the materiality of the medium mirrors that of the human form.

Artist: Malcolm Liepke
  • Color plays a pivotal role in Liepke’s compositions, as he deftly employs a vibrant palette to elicit strong and sensual reactions. Lively hues such as lime, lemon, and brick red are juxtaposed with cool blues, enhancing the ethereal quality of his subjects’ pale flesh. Drawing inspiration from the pastel tones favoured by artists like Degas and Lautrec, Liepke transports viewers to a twilight world illuminated by artificial light, where time seems suspended in a perpetual ‘fin de siècle’ ambiance.

Artist: Malcolm Liepke
  • The tightly cropped compositions in Liepke’s work create an intense viewing experience, inviting viewers into close proximity with his subjects. These figures, often young and casually glamorous, exude an air of nonchalance, simultaneously inviting and deflecting scrutiny. Through his art, Liepke captures the playful contradiction inherent in a world where curated self-expression reigns supreme, offering snapshot glimpses into a realm where the right kind of attention is both sought after and carefully cultivated.

Artist: Malcolm Liepke
