Artist: Dmitry Mishin - 4me4you
Artist: Dmitry Mishin

Artist: Dmitry Mishin


4me4you features the artist Dmitry Mishin - “Start the conversation”.


Delving into the fascinating world of artistry, we stumbled upon Dmitry Mishin, an artist whose journey began on Instagram.

  • Initially immersed in photography, he discovered a newfound fascination with AI-generated art during his leisure moments. Merging his photographic expertise with the innovative possibilities of image AI, Dmitry embarked on a creative odyssey.
Artist: Dmitry Mishin
Artist: Dmitry Mishin
  • By crafting prompts that set AI algorithms in motion, he unveiled a realm of captivating, occasionally surreal outcomes.
  • Intrigued by his unique approach, we extended an invitation to Dmitry to showcase his work in this month’s edition, eager to delve deeper into his creative process and the mesmerising results it yields.
















Artist: Dmitry Mishin

Artist: Dmitry Mishin