4me4you features the artist Karin Iwabuchi - ‘finding my painting’.
In her monochromatic masterpieces, Iwabuchi seamlessly captures the elegance and balance of nature in its myriad forms.
4me4you had the delightful opportunity to explore the captivating world of Karin Iwabuchi at the Dorothy Circus Gallery.
Her works feature female figures set against a dark backdrop, gracefully enveloped by traditional Japanese botanical elements.
These symbolic representations traverse the diverse stages of life, from the innocence of infancy to the vibrancy of youth and the fertility of pregnancy.
Karin Iwabuchi employs a refined and meticulous pictorial technique, breathing life into a visual narrative that celebrates women’s freedom of thought.
Her paintings unveil a renewed symbolism, intricately adorning the female form with a profound sense of meaning and purpose. Each brushstroke tells a story, inviting viewers into a realm where nature and femininity harmoniously converge.